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Reclaiming and Cultivating Family Education in Rural Kansas


Our Vision


There is a term conservationists use when a landscape is in need of restoration. It’s called Rewilding; and its aim is to restore and protect the natural processes and rhythms that shape and repair the area, creating wilder, more biodiverse habitats that are uniquely sustainable. 

Our vision at Re*Wild Family Academy, is to facilitate a micro-school community, that aims to restore and protect the natural rhythms of our families, helping shape and repair our homes, reclaiming them for their intended purpose, creating “wilder,” more diverse homes that are harmonious and sustainable. 

Why Family Education?

Just like in the wild, our healthiest ecosystems, work dependently and intricately connected with all other organisms. The flourishing success of the flower is dependent upon the bee and the soil.  When conservationist understand each organisms part and how they contribute to the entire ecosystem, they can better support the landscape as a whole.

In order for our children to be successful, our families must be flourishing as individuals and as complex family units. For so long we've been functioning in survival mode in a system that cannot offer the support needed for healthy and sustainable growth. We need each other.

A priority at Re*Wild Family Academy is to assist families in our rural Kansas community
 in discovering their unique strengths and weaknesses, by offering education and support so that they might establish their own family educational vision that is sustainable and beneficial for each member involved. 

Families will be provided with educational packets that will include a variety of resources. Throughout the year, monthly meetings will be held to develop
 knowledge and understanding of each other and each child's learning strengths and areas of growth. I will be offering regular individualized support, as well as hosting quarterly speakers that will cover a variety of topics, including but not limited to; various educational pedagogies, current educational laws and how they may affect families, and available local resources for each child's needs.

Image by Liana Mikah
Education & Experience

What We Offer

For the 2023-2024 School year...


In addition to supporting families transitioning to creative school options with personal consultations and access to developing communities, Re*Wild Family Academy offers a small, intimate learning environment for up to 15, K-12 students. We operate on a flexible schedule that best benefits the families involved. Open three days a week, each family will be able to choose the days that are the best fit for them. 

A monthly fee will ensure your child's spot at Re*Wild, which will be open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday starting in September. Monday and Tuesday classes will be offered onsite, in my home from 9:00-4:00. Thursday classes will be offered offsite, in the morning students will be rotating through local businesses to learn about their craft and then serve at a local nursing home in the afternoons. 

Onsite Costs: 

     Mondays-$100 a month for first child/ $80 for each 

additional child per family

     Tuesdays-$100 a month for first child/ $80 for each additional child per family

     Thursdays-$120 a month for each child, lunch not included (packed lunch suggested)


*A large, peaceful home environment for your child 

*BA of Science degree in Elementary Education

*5 years of public school experience in elementary and

  preschool classrooms

*15 years of homeschool experience

*Knowledge of and access to various extracurricular activities

  in the Reno County area for your children to participate in:

  choir, robotics, art, baking, origami, reading and math


*Connections with several educational networks for added


*Experience with digital educational tools like online learning

  platforms, and student management systems like SPARK


My Why

Since I was a child, I have loved learning and have desired to be a teacher. I earned my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education in 2011. After teaching for 5 years at an excellent rural public school, my husband and I moved and I decided to stay home with our newborn daughter. 

As she grew older, I had every intention of placing her in the local public school, but as the time drew near, I began to feel hesitant. I had met many moms who were living a different vision for their families, one that didn't revolve around the rigorous public school schedule, one where they could easily foster and cultivate the family routine and culture that they desired. 

Before I go any further, let me just say that I love educators. Teachers are the BEST people in my book. It doesn't matter how dysfunctional the system is, talented teachers make an impact and serve their communities and students sacrificially every day, and for that reason, I still believe that public schools are a viable option for many. However, it is my humble opinion, that the system and society itself put very little value on this profession and have squelched our teachers and their God-given gifts. Emphasis on tests, growing class sizes, and difficult behavioral issues, make managing a classroom increasingly stressful. Our educational system is in crisis, and needs to be Re*Wilded.

Proverbs 29:18 starts by declaring, "My people perish for lack of vision..." Over the years I've learned to apply this scripture not just to the church as a whole, but to myself as well. When I lack personal vision, it is easy to get off track and lose direction. When I lack vision for my family, I settle for less and find it difficult to be intentional. I've also learned that vision requires inspiration and experiences with "seeing" something differently. Sometimes we know in our hearts something isn't quite right, but until we see it lived differently, we can't envision the best way to go about it for ourselves!

Reading about homeschooling was great, but talking to moms who were actually doing it...watching them live it out, THAT is what gave me the encouragement and confidence to envision a different path for my family and our education.

At Re*Wild Family Academy, I desire to give families the support they need as they learn about and explore ALL of the options, and there are so many out there now! Each family's educational path can be unique, catered to their interests, their lifestyle and the values that they want to instill...they just need to Re*Wild, to step off their current track, slow down, and consider new possibilities that can restore the God-given rhythms to their lives, cultivating curiosity and life-long learners, leading them to a better connection with Our Creator and each other, making life itself more peaceful and sustainable.



*Each family will be given personal consultation time for any     educational decisions that need to be made regarding

 their child throughout the year.

*Every student will be treasured and given individualized 

 attention, support, and direction.

*Quarterly parental meetings will be encouraged to help 

 families create and live out their vision, covering topics such

 as curriculum, classical and schole' methods, child   development, as well as current laws and Kansas


*Families will be encouraged to build community through

 participation in activities such as, volunteer projects, helping

 with field trips, as well as offering their resources to benefit the

 microschool as a whole.

A Day at Re*Wild

A Gentle Rhthym 

Monday- Homesite


9AM-Morning GatherRound: Children meet in the outdoor classroom for Play, Greeting, Fine arts study of famous Artists, Composers, Poets, end with Goal sharing and Prayer.


10AM-Mastery: Children work in their pods (assigned multi-age support groups) on their individual goals in Math, Reading, and Writing.


*Emergent Readers (K-2) work with teacher through community chosen Reading, Writing and Math Curriculum.


*Throughout the day, as students complete their work, they have access to a variety of stations, including but not limited to; Art, Robotics, Sensory, Writing, Osmos, Puzzles, and Games.


12PM-Meal: Children help serve their meal to their friends, clean up and enjoy ample play time.


1PM-World Geography: Children participate in unit studies focused on the geography of the world in coordination with their Literature and History unit


2PM-Literature Study: Children will be exposed to great literary works relating to specific time periods. They will collaborate on projects that emphasize historical events as well as participate in Socratic discussions around the topics presented. 


3PM-Stations: Children work in stations or on their personal “handiwork,” while teacher checks in with each student to finalize the day.


3:30PM-Closing GatherRound and Dismissal: Children work together to clean-up, then gather-round to connect with teacher and each other to discuss highs and lows of the day, sealing the day in song and prayer.

9AM-Morning GatherRound: Children meet in the outdoor classroom for Play, Greeting, Fine arts study of famous Artists, Composers, Poets, end with Goal sharing and Prayer.


10AM-Mastery: Children work in their pods (assigned multi-age support groups) on their individual goals in Math, Reading, and Writing.


*Emergent Readers (K-2) work with teacher through community 

chosen Reading, Writing and Math Curriculum.


*Throughout the day, as students complete their work, they have 

access to a variety of stations, including but not limited to; Art, 

Robotics, Sensory, Writing, Osmos, Puzzles, and Games.


12PM-Meal: Children help serve their meal to their friends, clean up and enjoy ample play time.


1PM-History with Larissa Green: Children will continue their study on the specified time period with an emphasis on major historical events and figures, creating maps, timelines, and character reports.


2PM-Writing with Larissa: Children will be working from the Writing and Rhetoric curriculum starting with Fables


3PM-Stations; Children work in stations or on their personal “handiwork,” while the teacher checks in with each student to finalize the day. 


3:30PM-Closing GatherRound and Dismissal: Children work together to clean-up, then gather-round to connect with teacher and each other to discuss highs and lows of the day, sealing the day in song and prayer.

Skills & Languages


Welcome to Re*Wild

Re*Wild Family Academy takes place in a renovated 100 year old church building. We strive to maintain a peaceful, inviting, home environment where children can explore and move freely as they accomplish their tasks throughout the day.

Homeschool Consult

If you are brand new to homeschooling or have been for awhile and are looking for support and resources, consider a Re*Wild Consultation. For $150, I would be available to assist you in sorting through mountains of curriculum and decisions about what works best for your family and each child. This fee would include two meetings with me to gain knowledge of your family and a style of homeschooling that best suits you and each child, as well as ongoing assistance throughout the year as needed. Book an appointment now!

Awards & Interests


Enrollment for the 2023-24 school year begins now! 

Request an application at:


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